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Friday, April 22, 2011

New comer UTAU : Seido no Kasai

I haven't recorded the voice yet because I do not have a microphone, I'll get it at Easter. If it's Easter then I plan to make a UTAU. Here are some facts about Seido:

I will change Sora to Seido.
Age: Unknown, but young.
Gender: Unknown, is secretly a male, mistaken for a female.
Like Ritsu Seido Kasai is a male that looks like a female. He had a curse that forced him to have breast plastic surgery. Now on he will not tell you his real gender, but I did XD. Seido also stopped growing male features and look like a girl. Seido, as a UTAU was a failure. He would not sing properlly and would not sing even master told him to D:, master put a curse on him to look like a female. ***I am not master lolol I am just his...voice partner (lol what).

Alright I'm his new master : L. Seido is mysterious. I was thinking of appends but that will be later on, I was thinking of-
Dark Append,
Sweet Append,
Strong Append,
Drowsy Append,
And also acts, like act 1, 2, and 3. But I will be releasing his act 1 on prob a weel after Easter. Our terms are coming up! So I'm busy busy busy as a bee. Well not really I have free time.

I will also be making stories, posting links, sharing news to utau, and vocaloid. Say hello Seido!

Seido : .... Um hello everybody. I'm Seifo no Kasai. As you all can hear my voice is just nothing. I'm really un-known. In fact I don't know who I am except a little bit of my past. I had a plastic surgery and has breasts like Ritsu. Except these aren't missles, they're plastic. I weigh 115 pounds, my natural color is blue-ish green. I do not want to share my age. I do not want to share my data to a bunch of strangers. :CODEINVALID:  :CODEINVALID:

Mimisky: Err...well there he is :D, he's also a tsundere. LOLOL